I want to tell you a shortstory.
Wrapped in a purple paper and as a Christmas present I received my first camera. With a few adjustments and a little light I discovered the wonders I could achieve. It wasn't long before I knew what I wanted to do for a living. And now, here I am, exploiting the different ways to tell stories.

I was born and raised in a small town in Guatemala. Nestled between volcanoes and mountains, every morning we woke up to the sound of traffic and birds. Occasionally, a neighbour singing Christian hymns.
My family unknowingly fed my thirst for stories. My mother would tell me the incredible adventures about catching the bad guys in the tale. My father told me about myths, legends and life in the countryside. My brothers, about how to live a happy life - which I would later discover most of their lessons came from Seinfeld.
Several years later, after studying music, philosophy and film directing, my passion for stories is more alive than ever. I want to tell stories about everyday life. Let the smallest and most mundane things become a mirror of our feelings and thoughts. I want to explore the beauty and horror of being human.
How do you take your coffee? Do you feel like taking it differently today? Me too. Ah, you don't drink coffee because it keeps you awake? Can I offer you tea? Wine? I care about your company. Welcome to my website.